Saturday, September 14, 2013

In Loving Memory of my Best Friend Pipke

May 25, 1995 – September 14, 2009
Always on my mind, for ever in my heart
To watch her Memorial slideshow - 
 click on the *YouTube link above!
PS: After I heard this song for the first time on the radio, I've had it stuck in my head ever since. 
It seemed almost as if the song was written for my dear Pipke.
I was curious and so I went to search on the internet and so I found out that Karla Bonoff  wrote this beautiful touching song: "Goodbye My Friend" after she had lost her cat.
She described the bond we share with our pets and the grief we must endure when they leave this earth so very well.

Listen to the lyrics carefully, then you will understand what it means to loose what was the most precious to you!